Thorne Research has created a comprehensive, synergistic blend of the most widely studied supplements that can promote brain health in one memory-enhancing product. The ingredients in Memoractiv support cognitive function via a variety of mechanisms of action and are provided in a convenient combination formula. Now, with a new improved formula.
Ginkgo biloba in Memoractiv is now being provided as a Ginkgo phytosome (Virtiva) – Ginkgo bound to phosphatidylserine. A double-blind trial demonstrated greater cognitive support from Virtiva (Ginkgo-phosphatidylserine complex) than with the same amount of Ginkgo in a standardized extract or Ginkgo bound to phosphatidylcholine. Ginkgo promotes mental alertness, reaction time, memory, and cognition. Many studies have shown Ginkgo promotes mental functioning in individuals with cognitive decline related to aging. Double-blind trials of phosphatidylserine have shown enhanced learning and recall capabilities in older and middle-aged subjects with cognitive decline related to aging. In addition to the phosphatidylserine in Virtiva, Memoractiv also contains 70 mg phosphatidylserine isolate per serving (2 capsules).
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) helps support cognitive health. In one double-blind trial conducted with former alcoholics ages 30-60 with cognitive decline, 2 g ALC daily for three months enhanced memory, visuospatial capacity, and vocabulary recall. In controlled trials, ALC has improved cooperation, sociability, and attention to personal appearance in elderly subjects.
An Ayurvedic herb, Bacopa monnieri is neuroprotective and has been shown to support memory and learning. Bacopa results in a relaxed-yet-focused effect by enhancing levels of the inhibitory (relaxing) neurotransmitter GABA.
Vinpocetine supports cerebral circulation and oxygen utilization, which can result in improved cognitive function. In double-blind trials conducted with subjects experiencing cognitive decline, vinpocetine benefited speech, language, memory, learning, and other measures of cognitive performance.
Капсула из гипромеллозы (полученная из целлюлозы), лаурат кальция.
Содержит ингредиенты, полученные из сои (фитосомы).
Защита от вскрытия. Продукт следует использовать лишь в том случае, если упаковка запечатана. Хранить упаковку плотно закрытой в сухом прохладном месте.
Не используйте данный продукт во время беременности, планирования беременности или кормления грудью.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом, если принимаете антикоагулянты.
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